Com En Una Pel·lícula: Com Convertir-se En El Personatge Principal De La Seva Pròpia Història

Com En Una Pel·lícula: Com Convertir-se En El Personatge Principal De La Seva Pròpia Història
Com En Una Pel·lícula: Com Convertir-se En El Personatge Principal De La Seva Pròpia Història

Vídeo: Com En Una Pel·lícula: Com Convertir-se En El Personatge Principal De La Seva Pròpia Història

Vídeo: Com En Una Pel·lícula: Com Convertir-se En El Personatge Principal De La Seva Pròpia Història
Vídeo: Una pel·lícula de dinosaures! 2024, Setembre

T "Comença a romantitzar la teva vida, actuant com si estiguessis al capdavant", ronca una veu de Tiktok. Per què romanticitzar la teva vida? Per gaudir-ne! Per què és tan important sentir-se al capdavant? Perquè amb els personatges principals de qualsevol pel·lícula es produeixen tots els esdeveniments interessants. I ningú vol estar al marge (almenys sentir-se així) en la seva pròpia història. Com convertir-se en el personatge principal? Primer, decidiu en quin gènere viviu. El vestit adequat us ajudarà a sentir l’atmosfera: les imatges dels nostres personatges principals preferits sempre les diferencien de la resta, secundàries. No ho podeu decidir? Hem recollit les pel·lícules de tardor més càlides i hem ordenat les imatges de les seves impactants heroïnes.. Si us agrada especialment un, un vestit amb el seu esperit i estat d’ànim és fàcil de trobar a The Seasons. Aquí hi ha totes les grans marques de luxe i moda, des de Dior, Cartier i Gucci fins a Alexander Wang i Kenzo. I muntar una imatge que s’adapti a la vostra història, amb comoditat, i fins i tot fins i tot el món real fora de la finestra, que darrerament no ha estat molt feliç, brillarà amb nous colors. {"Punts": [{"id": 1, " propietats ": {" x ": 0," y ": 0," z ": 0," opacitat ": 1," scaleX ": 1," scaleY ": 1," rotationX ": 0," rotationY ": 0, "rotationZ": 0}}, {"id": 3, "properties": {"x": - 15, "y": - 72, "z": 0, "opacity": 1, "scaleX ": 1," scaleY ": 1," rotationX ": 0," rotationY ": 0," rotationZ ": - 15}}]," steps ": [{" id ": 2," properties ": {" durata ": 2," delay ": 0," bezier ": ," ease ":" Power2.easeOut "," automatic_duration ": true}}]," transform_origin ": {" x ": 0,5," y ": 0.5}}" Porta'm el que té aquesta noia! " - Aquesta frase del rom-com de culte dels anys 80 "Quan Harry va conèixer a Sally" ja ha passat a la història gairebé independentment de tota la pel·lícula. I la pròpia Sally, brillant i divertida, sense por de burlar-se i semblar ridícula, era estimada per tothom, i no només per la mateixa escena del cafè. L’espontaneïtat i la senzillesa l’atrauen. Totes aquestes qualitats es reflecteixen al seu armari: vesteix amb molta calma, amb colors càlids (idealment a la tardor!). Li encanten les camises d’home i els jerseis amb textura, no porta joies, perquè els seus adorns principals són un xoc de rínxols, un somriure i un sentit de l’humor. {"Punts": [{"id": 1, "propietats": {" x ": 0," y ": 0," z ": 0," opacitat ": 1," scaleX ": 1," scaleY ": 1," rotationX ": 0," rotationY ": 0," rotationZ ": 0}}, {"id": 3, "properties": {"x": 0, "y": 0, "z": 0, "opacity": 1, "scaleX": 1.05, "scaleY": 1.05, "rotationX": 0, "rotationY": 0, "rotationZ": 0}}], "steps": [{"id": 2, "properties": {"duration": 0,5, "delay": 0, "bezier": , "ease": "Power2.easeOut", "automatic_duration": true}}], "transform_origin": {"x": 0.5, "y": 0.5}} {"points ": [{" id ": 9," properties ": {" x ": 0," y ": 0," z ": 0," opacity ": 1," scaleX ": 1," scaleY ": 1, "rotationX": 0, "rotationY": 0, "rotationZ": 0}}, {"id": 11, "properties": {"x": 0, "y": 0, "z": 0, "opacitat": 1, "escalaX": 1.05, "escalaY": 1.05, "rotacióX": 0, "rotacióY": 0, "rotacióZ": 0}}], "passos": [{"id": 10, "properties": {"duration": 0,5, "delay": 0, "bezier": , "ease": "Power2.easeOut", "automatic_duration": true}}], "transform_origin": { "x": 0,5, "y": 0,5}} {"punts": [{"id": 1, "propert ies ": {" x ": 0," y ": 0," z ": 0," opacity ": 1," scaleX ": 1," scaleY ": 1," rotationX ": 0," rotationY ": 0, "rotationZ": 0}}, {"id": 3, "properties": {"x": 0, "y": 0, "z": 0, "opacity": 1, "scaleX": 1.05, "scaleY": 1.05, "rotationX": 0, "rotationY": 0, "rotationZ": 0}}], "steps": [{"id": 2, "properties": {"duration": 0,5, "delay": 0, "bezier": , "ease": "Power2.easeOut", "automatic_duration": true}}], "transform_origin": {"x": 0,5, "y": 0,5 }} {"points": [{"id": 1, "properties": {"x": 0, "y": 0, "z": 0, "opacity": 1, "scaleX": 1, "scaleY": 1, "rotationX": 0, "rotationY": 0, "rotationZ": 0}}, {"id": 3, "properties": {"x": 0, "y": 0, "z": 0, "opacitat": 1, "scaleX": 1.05, "scaleY": 1.05, "rotationX": 0, "rotationY": 0, "rotationZ": 0}}], "steps": [{"id": 2, "properties": {"duration": 0,5, "delay": 0, "bezier": , "ease": "Power2.easeOut", "automatic_duration": true}}], "transform_origin": {"x": 0,5, "y": 0,5}} {"punts": [{"id": 17, "properties": {"x": 0, "y": 0, "z ": 0," opacitat ": 1," scaleX ": 1," scaleY ": 1," rotationX ": 0," rotationY ": 0," rotationZ ": 0}}, {" id ": 19," propietats ": {" x ": 0," y ": 0," z ": 0," opacitat ": 1," scaleX ": 1,05," scale Y ": 1,05," rotationX ": 0," rotationY ": 0," rotationZ ": 0}}]," steps ": [{" id ": 18," properties ": {" duration ": 0,5," delay ": 0," bezier ": ," ease ":" Power2.easeOut "," automatic_duration ": true}}]," transform_origin ": {" x ": 0,5," y ": 0,5}} jersei Jacob Cohen, pantalons The Dress (Parade), barret Hermes, brusa Maje, mocassins Gucci Col·leccions disponibles a les galeries Seasons {"points": [{"id": 1, "properties": {"x": 0, "y": 0, "z": 0, "opacitat": 1, "scaleX": 1, "scaleY": 1, "rotationX": 0, "rotationY": 0, "rotationZ": 0}}, {"id ": 3," properties ": {" x ": - 15," y ": - 72," z ": 0," opacity ": 1," scaleX ": 1," scaleY ": 1," rotationX ": 0, "rotationY": 0, "rotationZ": - 15}}], "steps": [{"id": 2, "properties": {"duration": 2, "delay": 0, "bezier ": ," ease ":" Power2.easeOut "," automatic_duration ": true}}]," transform_origin ": {" x ": 0.5," y ": 0.5}} Una mica de bruixa elegant per al vostre estil de tardor mai fa mal, fins i tot si no teniu previst celebrar Halloween. Al final, per a moltes, les bruixes no són tant símbol de màgia com germanor, força i llibertat. "Màgia pràctica" és una història sobre bruixeria, sobre amor i sobre amistat. Hi ha dos personatges principals i són molt diferents, fins i tot amb la roba: un es vesteix provocador i brillant, l’altre, al contrari, amb calma i senzillesa. Proposem combinar tots dos estils. Agafeu els cardigans amb els texans Sandra Bullock i els motius foscos de Nicole Kidman, per exemple, una samarreta negra i una jaqueta amb caputxa de bruixa. {"Points": [{"id": 1, "properties": {" x ": 0," y ": 0," z ": 0," opacitat ": 1," scaleX ": 1," scaleY ": 1," rotationX ": 0," rotationY ": 0," rotationZ ": 0}}, {"id": 3, "properties": {"x": 0, "y": 0, "z": 0, "opacity": 1, "scaleX": 1.05, "scaleY": 1.05, "rotationX": 0, "rotationY": 0, "rotationZ": 0}}], "steps": [{"id": 2, "properties": {"duration": 0,5, "delay": 0, "bezier": , "ease": "Power2.easeOut", "automatic_duration": true}}], "transform_origin": {"x": 0.5, "y": 0.5}} {"points": [{"id": 1, "properties": {"x": 0, "y": 0, "z": 0, "opacity": 1, "scaleX": 1, "scaleY": 1, "rotationX": 0, "rotationY": 0, "rotationZ": 0}}, {"id": 3, "properties": {"x": 0, "y": 0, "z": 0, "opacitat": 1, "scaleX": 1.05, "scaleY": 1.05, "rotationX": 0, "rotationY": 0, "rotationZ": 0}}], "steps": [{"id ": 2," properties ": {" duration ": 0,5," delay ": 0," bezier ": ," ease ":" Power2.easeOut "," automatic_duration ": true}}]," transform_origin ": {"x": 0.5, "y": 0.5}} {"points": [{"id": 1, "properties": {"x": 0, "y": 0, "z": 0, "opacitat": 1, "escalaX": 1, "escalaY": 1, "rotacióX": 0, "rotacióY": 0, "rotacióZ": 0}}, {"id": 3, "propietats": {"x": 0, "y": 0, "z": 0, "opacitat": 1, "scaleX": 1.05, "scaleY": 1.05, "rotationX": 0, "rotationY": 0, " rotationZ ": 0}}]," steps ": [{" id ": 2," properties ": {" duration ": 0,5," delay ": 0," bezier ": ," ease ":" Power2.easeOut "," automatic_duration ": true}}]," transform_origin ": {" x ": 0.5," y ": 0.5}} {" points ": [{" id ": 9," properties ": {" x ": 0," y ": 0," z ": 0," opacitat ": 1," scaleX ": 1," scaleY ": 1," rotationX ": 0," rotationY ": 0," rotationZ ": 0}}, {"id": 11, "properties": {"x": 0, "y": 0, "z": 0, "opacit y ": 1," scaleX ": 1.05," scaleY ": 1.05," rotationX ": 0," rotationY ": 0," rotationZ ": 0}}]," steps ": [{" id ": 10, "properties": {"duration": 0,5, "delay": 0, "bezier": , "ease": "Power2.easeOut", "automatic_duration": true}}], "transform_origin": {"x ": 0,5," y ": 0,5}} {" punts ": [{" id ": 1," properties ": {" x ": 0," y ": 0," z ": 0," opacity ": 1, "scaleX": 1, "scaleY": 1, "rotationX": 0, "rotationY": 0, "rotationZ": 0}}, {"id": 3, "properties": {"x": 0, "y": 0, "z": 0, "opacitat": 1, "scaleX": 1.05, "scaleY": 1.05, "rotationX": 0, "rotationY": 0, "rotationZ": 0 }}], "steps": [{"id": 2, "properties": {"duration": 0,5, "delay": 0, "bezier": , "ease": "Power2.easeOut", "automatic_duration": true}}], "transform_origin": {"x": 0.5, "y": 0.5}} cotilla Olivier Theyskens (Boutique 7), poncho Maje, cardigan Colombo (St-James), texans Alexander Wang (TopStyle), sabates Dior Les col·leccions estan disponibles a les galeries Vremena Goda {"points": [{"id": 1, "properties": {"x": 0, "y": 0, "z": 0, "opacity" ": 1," scaleX ": 1," scaleY ": 1," rotationX ": 0," rotationY ": 0," rotationZ ": 0}}, {" id ": 3," properties ": {" x ": -15," y ": - 72," z ": 0," opacitat ": 1, "scaleX": 1, "scaleY": 1, "rotationX": 0, "rotationY": 0, "rotationZ": - 15}}], "steps": [{"id": 2, "properties ": {" duration ": 2," delay ": 0," bezier ": ," ease ":" Power2.easeOut "," automatic_duration ": true}}]," transform_origin ": {" x ": 0,5, "y": 0,5}} El personatge principal del melodrama independent "Submarine" era formalment un noi anomenat Oliver, però, siguem sincers, tota l'atenció es va centrar en la seva xicota Jordan. És una d’aquestes heroïnes que tothom vol ser: viure el moment, imprevisible, brillant i, per descomptat, capgirant qualsevol vida que s’acosta. Una noia típica de somnis de mania pixie? De moment. La imatge de Jordan es va fer memorable gràcies no només al personatge prescrit, sinó també als vestits: el seu color principal a la pantalla era el vermell i, per tant, era absolutament impossible no notar la noia en cap marc. Proveu també de triar un color brillant per a vosaltres mateixos: el truc funciona: {"Points": [{"id": 9, "properties": {"x": 0, "y": 0, "z": 0, "opacitat": 1, "escalaX": 1, "escalaY": 1, "rotacióX": 0, "rotacióY": 0, "rotacióZ": 0}}, {"id": 11, "propietats": {"x": 0, "y": 0, "z": 0, "opacitat": 1, "scaleX": 1.05, "scaleY": 1.05, "rotationX": 0, "rotationY": 0, " rotationZ ": 0}}]," steps ": [{" id ": 10," properties ": {" duration ": 0,5," delay ": 0," bezier ": ," ease ":" Power2.easeOut "," automatic_duration ": true}}]," transform_origin ": {" x ": 0.5," y ": 0.5}} {" points ": [{" id ": 9," properties ": {" x ": 0," y ": 0," z ": 0," opacitat ": 1," scaleX ": 1," scaleY ": 1," rotationX ": 0," rotationY ": 0," rotationZ ": 0}}, {"id": 11, "properties": {"x": 0, "y": 0, "z": 0, "opacity": 1, "scaleX": 1.05, "scaleY": 1.05, "rotationX": 0, "rotationY": 0, "rotationZ": 0}}], "steps": [{"id": 10, "properties": {"duration": 0,5, "delay": 0, "bezier": , "ease": "Power2.easeOut", "automatic_duration": true}}], "transform_origin": {"x": 0.5, "y": 0.5}} {"points ": [{" id ": 9," properties ": {" x ": 0," y ": 0," z ": 0," opacity ": 1," scaleX ": 1," scaleY ": 1, "rotationX": 0, "rotationY": 0, "ro tationZ ": 0}}, {" id ": 11," properties ": {" x ": 0," y ": 0," z ": 0," opacity ": 1," scaleX ": 1.05," scaleY ": 1.05," rotationX ": 0," rotationY ": 0," rotationZ ": 0}}]," steps ": [{" id ": 10," properties ": {" duration ": 0.5," delay ": 0," bezier ": ," ease ":" Power2.easeOut "," automatic_duration ": true}}]," transform_origin ": {" x ": 0.5," y ": 0.5}} { "points": [{"id": 9, "properties": {"x": 0, "y": 0, "z": 0, "opacity": 1, "scaleX": 1, "scaleY": 1, "rotationX": 0, "rotationY": 0, "rotationZ": 0}}, {"id": 11, "properties": {"x": 0, "y": 0, "z": 0, "opacitat": 1, "scaleX": 1.05, "scaleY": 1.05, "rotationX": 0, "rotationY": 0, "rotationZ": 0}}], "steps": [{"id ": 10," properties ": {" duration ": 0,5," delay ": 0," bezier ": ," ease ":" Power2.easeOut "," automatic_duration ": true}}]," transform_origin ": {"x": 0.5, "y": 0.5}} {"points": [{"id": 1, "properties": {"x": 0, "y": 0, "z": 0, "opacitat": 1, "escalaX": 1, "escalaY": 1, "rotacióX": 0, "rotacióY": 0, "rotacióZ": 0}}, {"id": 3, "propietats": {"x": 0, "y": 0, "z": 0, "opacitat": 1, "scaleX": 1.05, "scaleY": 1.05, "rotationX": 0, "rotationY": 0, " rotationZ ": 0}}]," steps ": [{" id ": 2," properties ": {" du ració ": 0,5," delay ": 0," bezier ": ," ease ":" Power2.easeOut "," automatic_duration ": true}}]," transform_origin ": {" x ": 0,5," y ": 0.5}} Cardigan Sandro, vestit Alexander Wang (TopStyle), abric Sandro, brusa Maje, botes Louis Vuitton Les col·leccions estan disponibles a les galeries Vremena Goda {" points ": [{" id ": 1," properties ": {" x ": 0," y ": 0," z ": 0," opacitat ": 1," scaleX ": 1," scaleY ": 1," rotationX ": 0," rotationY ": 0," rotationZ ": 0}}, {"id": 3, "properties": {"x": - 15, "y": - 72, "z": 0, "opacity": 1, "scaleX": 1, " scaleY ": 1," rotationX ": 0," rotationY ": 0," rotationZ ": - 15}}]," steps ": [{" id ": 2," properties ": {" duration ": 2, "delay": 0, "bezier": , "ease": "Power2.easeOut", "automatic_duration": true}}], "transform_origin": {"x": 0.5, "y": 0.5}} La divertida i ingènua Emily del programa més comentat aquesta tardor no és l’heroïna habitual segons els estàndards actuals. No hi ha cap drama en ella, no s’enfonsa en la tristesa a la pantalla i, en lloc de reflexionar, prefereix riure’s de la situació. I el seu armari ignora completament totes les tendències modernes: renunciant a l’esport, el beix i el minimalisme, vesteix de colors i colors. I, a més, no es treu els talons, cosa que, segons els estàndards del 2020, la converteix definitivament en única. Però passar per la vida amb la vostra pròpia música, sense prestar atenció a allò que toca per a tothom, és una qualitat important de qualsevol personatge principal. Ens posem en servei. {"Points": [{"id": 9, "properties": {"x": 0, "y": 0, "z": 0, "opacity": 1, "scaleX": 1, "scaleY": 1, "rotationX": 0, "rotationY": 0, "rotationZ": 0}}, {"id": 11, "properties": {"x": 0, "y": 0, "z": 0, "opacitat": 1, "scaleX": 1.05, "scaleY": 1.05, "rotationX": 0, "rotationY": 0, "rotationZ": 0}}], "passos ": [{" id ": 10," properties ": {" duration ": 0,5," delay ": 0," bezier ": ," ease ":" Power2.easeOut "," automatic_duration ": true} }], "transform_origin": {"x": 0,5, "y": 0,5}} {"points": [{"id": 9, "properties": {"x": 0, "y": 0, "z": 0, "opacitat": 1, "scaleX": 1, "scaleY": 1, "rotationX": 0, "rotationY": 0, "rotationZ": 0}}, {"id": 11, "properties": {"x": 0, "y": 0, "z": 0, "opacity": 1, "scaleX": 1.05, "scaleY": 1.05, "rotationX": 0, " rotationY ": 0," rotationZ ": 0}}]," steps ": [{" id ": 10," properties ": {" duration ": 0,5," delay ": 0," bezier ": , "ease": "Power2.easeOut", "automatic_duration": true}}], "transform_origin": {"x": 0,5, "y": 0,5}} {"points": [{"id": 9, "properties": {"x": 0, "y": 0, "z": 0, "opacity": 1, "scaleX": 1, "scaleY": 1, "rotationX": 0, "rotationY": 0, "rotationZ": 0}}, {"id": 11, "properties": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "z": 0, "opacitat": 1, "scaleX": 1,05, "scaleY": 1,05, "rotationX": 0, "rotationY": 0, "rotationZ ": 0}}]," steps ": [{" id ": 10," properties ": {" duration ": 0,5," delay ": 0," bezier ": ," ease ":" Power2. easyOut "," automatic_duration ": true}}]," transform_origin ": {" x ": 0,5," y ": 0,5}} {" points ": [{" id ": 1," properties ": {" x ": 0," y ": 0," z ": 0," opacitat ": 1," scaleX ": 1," scaleY ": 1," rotationX ": 0," rotationY ": 0," rotationZ ": 0}}, {"id": 3, "properties": {"x": 0, "y": 0, "z": 0, "opacity": 1, "scaleX": 1.05, "scaleY": 1.05, "rotationX": 0, "rotationY": 0, "rotationZ": 0}}], "steps": [{"id": 2, "properties": {"duration": 0,5, "delay": 0, "bezier": , "ease": "Power2.easeOut", "automatic_duration": true}}], "transform_origin": {"x": 0,5, "y": 0,5}} {"points": [{"id": 9, "properties": {"x": 0, "y": 0, "z": 0, "opacity": 1, "scaleX": 1, "scaleY": 1, "rotationX": 0, "rotationY": 0, "rotationZ": 0}}, {"id": 11, "properties": {"x": 0, "y": 0, "z": 0, "opacitat": 1, "escalaX": 1.05, "escalaY": 1.05, "rotacióX": 0, "rotacióY": 0, "rotacióZ": 0}}], "passos": [{"id": 10, "properties": {"duration": 0,5, "delay": 0, "bezier": , "e ase ":" Power2.easeOut "," automatic_duration ": true}}]," transform_origin ": {" x ": 0,5," y ": 0,5}} Jaqueta Braschi, faldilla SANDRO, gorra DIOR, botes Gucci,Louis Vutton bagCollections estan disponibles a la Seasons Gallery {"points": [{"id": 1, "properties": {"x": 0, "y": 0, "z": 0, "opacity": 1, "scaleX": 1, "scaleY": 1, "rotationX": 0, "rotationY": 0, "rotationZ": 0}}, {"id": 3, "properties": {"x": - 15, "y": - 72, "z": 0, "opacitat": 1, "scaleX": 1, "scaleY": 1, "rotationX": 0, "rotationY": 0, "rotationZ": - 15}}], "steps": [{"id": 2, "properties": {"duration": 2, "delay": 0, "bezier": , "ease": "Power2.easeOut", "automatic_duration": true}}], "transform_origin": {"x": 0.5, "y": 0.5}} L'heroïna de Blake Lovely, Adaline, no és només una noia. És immortal i durant la seva llarga vida ha vist moltes coses: pilotes i festes, estils diferents i coses més tristes, sense les quals la realitat no es pot imaginar. En les dues hores que dura la pel·lícula, aconsegueix passar un segle canviant luxosos vestits històrics, i la història acaba en el nostre temps, amb roba senzilla i familiar. Si la imatge d’una noia misteriosa que ha vist la vida us és propera, no cal que busqueu un vestit adequat a l’armari. Deixeu que només un detall sigui realment "cerimonial" en el vostre aspecte elegant, per exemple, un collaret de perles de diverses capes, com si fos dels rugents anys 20. {"Punts": [{"id": 9, "properties": {" x ": 0," y ": 0," z ": 0," opacitat ": 1," scaleX ": 1," scaleY ": 1," rotationX ": 0," rotationY ": 0," rotationZ ": 0}}, {"id": 11, "properties": {"x": 0, "y": 0, "z": 0, "opacity": 1, "scaleX": 1.05, "scaleY": 1.05, "rotationX": 0, "rotationY": 0, "rotationZ": 0}}], "steps": [{"id": 10, "properties": {"duration": 0,5, "delay": 0, "bezier": , "ease": "Power2.easeOut", "automatic_duration": true}}], "transform_origin": {"x": 0.5, "y": 0.5}} {"points ": [{" id ": 9," properties ": {" x ": 0," y ": 0," z ": 0," opacity ": 1," scaleX ": 1," scaleY ": 1, "rotationX": 0, "rotationY": 0, "rotationZ": 0}}, {"id": 11, "properties": {"x": 0, "y": 0, "z": 0, "opacitat": 1, "escalaX": 1.05, "escalaY": 1.05, "rotacióX": 0, "rotacióY": 0, "rotacióZ": 0}}], "passos": [{"id": 10, "properties": {"duration": 0,5, "delay": 0, "bezier": , "ease": "Power2.easeOut", "automatic_duration": true}}], "transform_origin": { "x": 0,5, "y": 0,5}} {"punts": [{"id": 9, "pro perties ": {" x ": 0," y ": 0," z ": 0," opacity ": 1," scaleX ": 1," scaleY ": 1," rotationX ": 0," rotationY ": 0, "rotationZ": 0}}, {"id": 11, "properties": {"x": 0, "y": 0, "z": 0, "opacity": 1, "scaleX": 1.05, "scaleY": 1.05, "rotationX": 0, "rotationY": 0, "rotationZ": 0}}], "steps": [{"id": 10, "properties": {"duration": 0,5, "delay": 0, "bezier": , "ease": "Power2.easeOut", "automatic_duration": true}}], "transform_origin": {"x": 0,5, "y": 0,5 }} {"points": [{"id": 9, "properties": {"x": 0, "y": 0, "z": 0, "opacity": 1, "scaleX": 1, "scaleY": 1, "rotationX": 0, "rotationY": 0, "rotationZ": 0}}, {"id": 11, "properties": {"x": 0, "y": 0, "z": 0, "opacitat": 1, "scaleX": 1.05, "scaleY": 1.05, "rotationX": 0, "rotationY": 0, "rotationZ": 0}}], "steps": [{"id": 10, "properties": {"duration": 0,5, "delay": 0, "bezier": , "ease": "Power2.easeOut", "automatic_duration": true}}], "transform_origin": {"x": 0,5, "y": 0,5}} {"punts": [{"id": 9, "properties": {"x": 0, "y": 0, "z ": 0," opacitat ": 1," scaleX ": 1," scaleY ": 1," rotationX ": 0," rotationY ": 0," rotationZ ": 0}}, {" id ": 11," propietats ": {" x ": 0," y ": 0," z ": 0," opacitat ": 1," scaleX ": 1,05, "scaleY": 1.05, "rotationX": 0, "rotationY": 0, "rotationZ": 0}}], "steps": [{"id": 10, "properties": {"duration": 0.5, "delay": 0, "bezier": , "ease": "Power2.easeOut", "automatic_duration": true}}], "transform_origin": {"x": 0.5, "y": 0.5} } Collar Chanel, abric Braschi, faldilla Maje, top Sandro, botes Gucci Les col·leccions estan disponibles a les galeries Vremena Goda {"width": 740, "column_width": 23, "columns_n": 32, "canaleta": 0, "line": 10} defaultfalse7671300falsetruetrue {"mode": "pàgina", "transition_type": "diapositiva", "transition_direction": "horitzontal", "transition_look": "cinturó", "slides_form": {}} {"css": ".editor {font-family: Times New Roman; mida de la lletra: 19 px; font-pes: 400; alçada de línia: 28 px;} "}
